Sunday, March 18, 2007

Inconvenient Truth

Tonight, I watched Al Gore's documentary The Inconvenient Truth. This movie was an eye opener to me. While, I have always believed in global warming and knew it was a large scale problem that needed to be address long ago and still is worsening while few people do anything; I did not know the scale or the effects this problem is having each and everyday. After watching the explanations of the large scale natural disasters and how global warming is having the effect of making them worse and more frequent by warming the temperature of the ocean; this problem struck closer to home. It is no longer something that is happening to the other side of the world, global warming is happening to the world. We are not just affected by the problem, yet a major cause. Being responsible for the problem it is now our turn to answer this problem. At the end of the documentary Al Gore came back with a view of hope. He presented ways in which we can use technology that we already have to lessen the amount of carbon dioxide that we are putting into the atmosphere to the point that earth will be back to having "normal" levels of carbon dioxide in the air. If we can do it, what is stopping us? This is a large scale problem that can be controlled and fixed if people start acting as a world community instead of individuals. For now though, as individuals we need to make choices that benefit the environment and spread the word of action.

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